
HIV-related risk behaviors and HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men and population size estimation

Name of sponsor National center for disease control and public health
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

Integration of TB, HCV and HIV/AIDS screening in primary health care services and development of partnership to promote early detection and treatment of the diseases in Tbilisi, Shida Kartli, Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti region

Name of sponsor NCDCPH, Global Fund
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

HIV related risk behavior and population size estimation survey among people who inject drugs in Georgia

Name of sponsor NCDCPH, Global Fund
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

Integratin of TB, HCV and HIV/AID screening in primary health care services and development of partnership to promote early detection and treatment of the diseases in Tbilisi

Name of sponsor NCDCPH, Global Fund
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

Integratin of TB, HCV and HIV/AID screening in primary health care services and development of partnership to promote early detection and treatment of the diseases in Kvemo Kartli

Name of sponsor NCDCPH, Global Fund
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

Study of gender barriers of TB and HIV diagnostic and treatment in Georgia

Name of sponsor NCDCPH, Global Fund
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

HIV and STI risk factors among Georgian youth

Name of sponsor Fogarty International Center, NIH
Head of the project Tamar Kikvidze

Evaluation of risk factors for transmission of blood-born diseases among dental health care workers in Georgia

Name of sponsor Fogarty International Center, NIH
Head of the project Marika Kochlamazashvili

The public health impact of a couple-oriented prenatal HIV counseling in low and medium prevalence countries

Name of sponsor French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis (ANRS)
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

HIV information for expecting and breast feeding mothers

Name of sponsor World Vision International
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

Immuno-genetic factors of susceptibility to HIV in the population of Georgia

Name of sponsor NATO and Fogarty International Center, NIH
Head of the project George Kamkamidze, MD, Ph.D.; Jack DeHovitz (MD, MPH, Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY); Patrice Debre (MD, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, Hospital Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris France)

CD4 and CD8 T cell responses in HIV and HCV infected patients

Name of sponsor INTAS
Head of the project George Kamkamidze, MD, Ph.D; Brigitte Autran (MD, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, Hospital Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France)