Improving research and writing skills among young Georgian academics

Name of sponsor US Embassy Univertisy Research Program
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili
Project start date 15.09.2013

University Research Program

NGO "Union for Health Research" (Health Research Union) with the support of the Embassy of university research program was conducting the two-year educational project: "Improving research and writing skills among young academics." The project was implemented by the State University of New York professors and the graduate specialists of the same University. Teaching was conducted in Georgian and English languages.

Project Goals and Objectives:

  • Improving research skills in young scientists (eg.: Critical thinking, statistical data analysis, grant proposal writing, preparation of scientific papers for publication).
  • Mentoring project beneficiaries by local and international experts.
  • Creating Web-site to raise awareness among young scientist and make educational materials accessible. Improving network development between the Universities.

To participate the Educational Program young scientists, teachers, graduate and PhD students were selected form Georgian Highest Schools and Scientific Research Institutions working in public policy, medicine, public health, social sciences, education, the environment and other related disciplines.