
HIV information for expecting and breast feeding mothers

Name of sponsor World Vision International
Head of the project Maia Butsashvili

Immuno-genetic factors of susceptibility to HIV in the population of Georgia

Name of sponsor NATO and Fogarty International Center, NIH
Head of the project George Kamkamidze, MD, Ph.D.; Jack DeHovitz (MD, MPH, Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY); Patrice Debre (MD, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, Hospital Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris France)

CD4 and CD8 T cell responses in HIV and HCV infected patients

Name of sponsor INTAS
Head of the project George Kamkamidze, MD, Ph.D; Brigitte Autran (MD, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, Hospital Pitie-Salpetriere, Paris, France)